ParkView acts as “internal activist” and serves as sounding board for our clients as well as as a defense advisor. Unlike some of our competitors, we only work on the other side of activist hedge funds which is why we have no conflict of interest


Effective shareholder engagement and activism defense starts with understanding and addressing your business’ vulnerabilities and proactively communicating your business strategy to your investor base. We help our clients to lift the full value of their business and thereby increase share price which is the best argument to keep investors satisfied. In this context, we work closely with legal counsel and the IR and PR departments of our clients. This has often helped to avoid activists launching campaign against our clients. At the same time, we establish an activism preparedness routine at our clients allowing for countermeasures immediately following an attack and an effective defense by neutralizing the activists’ arguments if necessary. This also applies to short-selling attacks which are increasingly happening also in the DACH region.